

Jharkhand - 831005

Mon-Sun : 12:00-02:30 & 08 PM - 10 PM

Saturday : 12:00 - 02.30 PM

Terms and Conditions

Refund Policy

The i-boost therapy has been used with excellent results in children of all ages and results have come without any side-effects. The results can be expected from 1-6 months after using the therapy. If however, even after using the ‘i-boost’ therapy for 6 months you do not find any positive results in your child then we shall return the money you paid for the therapy(Rs.500/- per month) without any hassles. Just message us the following details- 1) name of child.  2) bank details.    We shall return your money in the next 30 days without any hassles.

The therapy will be continued after 6 months only after satisfactory results have  been obtained to the satisfaction of the parent/s and they agree to continue the therapy.


For the money back therapy the parent has to comply to certain conditions:


a) The therapy should have continued for a minimum period of 6 months.

b) The therapy should be regular to allow the medicines to give desired effect and improvement, irregular doses cannot produce the desired results and hence are not entitled for money-back.

c) The money back has to be claimed within 6 months of treatment. After discontinuation of treatment for more than 1 week money-back cannot be claimed.

d) Our decision in the money-back policy will be final.


— The contents in the website are not a medical advice.

— Ihe ‘i-boost’ therapy is not a substitute to traditional medicinal treatment.if your child has asthma or some similar severe medical condition then we advice you to keep your child under proper proffessional medical treatment and care and make our ‘i-boost’ therapy only a part of the childs recovery plan.

— The testimonials in this website reflect personal  experience of individual patients and do not substitute proper research.

— Even if you get good results from ‘i-booster’, never neglect proper medical advice from a chest spacialist. We disclaim any liability arising due to neglect or delay in giving medical  attention to the child on behalf of the parents.

— I, dr.s.s.saggu, disclaim any liability based on information provided in the website.

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