

Jharkhand - 831005

Mon-Sun : 12:00-02:30 & 08 PM - 10 PM

Saturday : 12:00 - 02.30 PM

Prevent Asthma


Researchers have come to the conclusion that Asthma is the result of the fight between the Genes and the Environment. The system of the Asthmatic child is at fault because the same allergen is not harmful to other individuals being exposed to them. Any therapy aiming for a permanent solution should aim at stopping the initial release of histamine rather than fighting it after its release. This is only possible if the correction takes place at the constitutional level. The Homoeopathic approach is more about the constitutional makeup and therefore deeper and long lasting. The Homoeopathic medicines contain frequencies of medicines prepared by breaking intra-atomic, inter-atomic and inter-molecular bonds of drug substances. These frequencies bring about changes at deeper levels of the constitution and thus the effects are milder, safer and long lasting than crude drug use. Many people who come to us do not believe in the Homoeopathy and consider it as a placebo but want to take a chance as they saw or heard a known asthmatic child recover after our medication. On an average over 90% of the children who come to us for asthma recover after the completion of the asthma therapy. We do not ask our patients to stop the regular medication but only add our ‘IMMUNE BOOSTING THERAPY’ as an adjuvant to the already going on therapy and the results are visible in most of the children in a few weeks or months.
The goal of any Asthma treatment is:
–Preventing asthma attacks,
–Reducing inflammation of airways,
–Preventing lung damage.
The present medication given for asthma is of two or three types:
—One which is directed towards inflammation of the airways over the long term.
—The other is a daily inhalation inhaler or rotahaler for immediate relief.
—The third maybe an anti-allergic or preventive.
These anti-allergic medications work by blocking the histamine receptors and not by correcting or stopping the initial release of histamine.
The basic cause is not dealt and therefore does not offer any permanent cure.
In the true sense cure for asthma implies ‘end’ of the medical condition. If the child
keeps falling sick despite continuous preventive medication then can it be called a ‘cure’? Any reasonable mind will doubt it!
If you are looking for a cure try our homoeopathic immune boosting treatment. The immune booster for children sufferring from Childhood Asthma and recurrent allergy of the respiratory tract. See testimonials of cured patients.

–Eating saturated fats reduces the effectiveness of the medicines used to treat asthma.
–Respiratory exercises like ‘anulom-vilom’ Pranayama or alternate breathing can help in reducing asthma symptoms. The ancient yogis had observed that breathing from nostrils had a typical pattern—breathing from one nostril remains predominant over the other for two hours followed by the other nostril. During the switchover period both nostrils breathe equally for four minutes. In many people this balance is disturbed and they fall prey to diseases arising from this disbalance. Asthmatics will mostly find one nostril predominant over the other and therefore alternate breathing exercises help them to regain health and reduce frequency of asthma attacks. Note—the closed nostril of one side can be opened by pressing the armpit area by a tennis ball or rounded cloth. Yogis use ‘yoga danda’ for this purpose.
–Packaged food can contribute in increasing asthma flare-ups.
–Artificially colored foods can trigger allergic reactions.
–Avoid buying artificially colored vegetables.
–Strong emotions can cause fast breathing or hyperventilation leading to asthma attacks.
–Plants like snake plant, peace lily, etc help reduce air-pollution so planting them inside your house or having them in your garden may help reduce air pollution.
–Avoid allergic plants like palms (male), many ferns, daisies, chamomile, sunflowers etc.
–If one parent is allergic the chances of the child developing allergies is 33%. If both parents are allergic then the chances are 70%.
–80-90% of our life is spent indoors so taking care of indoor allergens is important.
–Pet allergies can develop at anytime in your lifetime. Allergic individuals should be cautious.
–Swimming and yoga can be helpful for asthmatics.
–Homoeopathy strengthens and regulates the immune system of the body so that it does not start an allergic reaction after contact with an allergen.
–Rainy weather causes increase in mold spores. Windy conditions cause increase in pollen counts in air so these can trigger asthma attack in asthmatics.
–In summer season pollution, smog from ozone and pollen count tends to be high and this might increase chances of asthma attacks.
–In rainy seasons pets tend to remain indoors and this might increase animal dander and mold counts in the house atmosphere so care should be taken to seclude them.
–If clothes are dried out in sunshine the pollen grains in outside air sticks to them. Hence they should be cleaned outside properly before bringing them indoors.
–Drinking black coffee improves airway function in asthmatics and reduces chances of an asthma attack.
–Drink tea or coffee without sugar or cow’s milk to open airways and reduce mucus formation.
–A very useful homemade anti-allergy formula—mix and grind garlic, ginger and raw turmeric in ratio 3:2:1 and keep it refrigerated. Add 1/4th teaspoon in one teaspoon pure honey and give it daily to your child. This boosts the immune system of your child and also helps to fight cold and allergy. We have used this formula with tremendous success along with our medication in thousands of patients.
–It is important to keep a ‘peak flow meter’ at home and measure the peak expiratory flow of the child in mornings and evenings so that the condition of the child can be monitored at home. On days the peak flow is low the parents should be cautious and carefully monitor the child’s health and restrict exposure to indoor or outdoor triggers.
–Never stop the child’s regular medication from the asthma specialist if you are using our medication for your child. Just add our medicines to the child’s regular medication and keep it as an immune-booster. When you find improvement in your child’s condition, discuss with your asthma specialist and adjust dose accordingly.
We are trying our best to help asthmatic children recover from their illness. We will need your co-operation and support to continue our noble effort.