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We use Homoeopathic medicines in potency along with Homoeopathic & Herbal mother tinctures. The herbal mother tinctures are made personally by us using selected pure herbal drugs. They are not Ayurvedic drugs in crude form.
Pure honey is used as an essential part of the immune boosting treatment. The herbal & homeopathic mother tinctures along with honey form a promising trio in immune compromised patients.
We do not use any Allopathic medicines or steroids in our treatment plan.
Our medicines do not have any known side-effects in children or in adults.
All information given in our website is purely based on our clinical study, research and findings for the past 27 years on thousands of patients from all over the world.
This is the most important question to be answered for a person looking for a treatment for Br. Asthma. Till now we have been able to heal thousands of patients from across the country & abroad. A few references have been mentioned at the end of the website.
It is important to understand that we are not opposed to any palliative therapy that the patient might be taking at the start of our treatment nor does the patient have to stop the treatment he has been taking before he started our treatment. Our homoeo-herbal treatment is basically aimed at boosting up the immune system of the patient so that patient slowly starts becoming immune to the allergens he was previously allergic to. The patient will slowly find himself/herself to be immune to most distressing external factors, e.g.: dust, cold food, cold air, smoke etc. The overall aim of the course is to make the person live a normal life free of allergies of any kind.
Atopic patients (asthma/eczema/urticaria /allergic rhinitis alternating or co-existing in a patient) are pretty difficult to cure because as soon as one condition is treated the other condition appears falsely resembling cure of the previous condition. Appearance of other allergic conditions after start of our treatment course is the first sign of improvement but it takes a long time to eradicate the disease from the patient. The patient can safely use palliative therapy (except ointments which will suppress) to ameliorate the troubling symptom. A radical healing means freedom from all symptoms related to asthma or any related condition. After the start of Corona virus infections the relapses have become more common and difficult to treat due to reasons still evading the reach of the scientists.
It has been observed that almost 70% of patients are fully healed within a span of 2-2 ½ years.20-25% patients who are of moderate to severe intensity require 3 yrs treatment appx. A few very severe cases respond slowly & may take longer periods to recover.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]