Parents are worried to find their child labeled as ‘asthmatics’ but more often the term ‘Reactive Airway Disease’ is used in place of asthma for children below 5 years of age who have symptoms similar to asthma but in whom asthma has not been established. RAD may be described as the tendency to catch cold frequently with breathlessness. The percentage of children suffering from RAD is continually on the rise due to pollution & many other factors in the fast changing modern life.
Most of the patients suffering from RAD / asthma have a family history of asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis or eczema. Atopy in short.
If anybody has allergic asthma then most likely the person may be atopic ( asthma, eczema, & allergy co-existing or alternating with each other). In such cases there is a predisposition towards allergy. Allergy to a particular allergen may change at any time in life so that the same person becomes allergic to some other allergen.
Allergies are deep seated and difficult to remove by superficial medications. Our research based homoeopathic treatment is specially formulated to act specifically and alter the immune state of the patient. The genetic composition of an individual is not altered but the genetic expression at the cellular level is influenced positively by the medicine to reduce the intensity and frequency of the symptoms by inducing epigenetic changes. Thousands of patients have benefited from our research based treatment and are now living an asthma free life (see testimonials and website reviews).
The parent / patient can co-relate the below mentioned symptoms & easily find out the presence of asthma or related conditions.