[vc_row container=”1″][vc_column][vc_column_text]— The contents in the website are not a medical advice.
—We are not claiming any miracle cure but only putting forward our research findings based on clinical observations.
— The ‘IMMUNE BOOSTING TREATMENT OR THERAPY’ is not a substitute to traditional medicinal treatment. If your child has asthma or some similar severe medical condition then we advice you to keep your child under proper professional medical treatment and care and make our ‘BOOSTING THERAPY’ only a part of the child’s recovery plan.
— The testimonials in this website reflect personal experience of individual patients and do not substitute proper research and treatment by a specialist.
— Even if you get good results from our ‘IMMUNE BOOSTER TREATMENT OR THERAPY’, never neglect proper medical advice from a chest specialist. We disclaim any liability arising due to neglect or delay in giving medical attention to the child on behalf of the parents.
— I, Dr.S.S.Saggu, disclaim any liability based on information provided in the website.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]